Habitat for Aviation at Vermont Statehouse
Women Build Planes Project: A Shining Example for Act 77’s Birthday
On December 7, 2023, the halls of the Vermont State House echoed with the powerful voices of change as Habitat for Aviation's Women Build Planes team took the stage to celebrate Vermont's Flexible Pathways to Graduation, Act 77. This landmark legislation embodies the spirit of innovation and empowerment, inspiring schools to infuse relationships, relevance, and practice into their educational fabric. At the heart of this celebration was our mission to shatter stereotypes and pave the way for women in the aviation industry.
With just five minutes to captivate the audience, we seized the opportunity to shed light on the stark gender disparity prevailing in aviation and shared that despite monumental strides in various fields, women remain vastly underrepresented in aviation. We highlighted our hands-on aircraft construction program, which takes place within an actual hangar on actual aircraft that are returned to service, which not only imparts invaluable technical skills but also ignites a passion for aviation thus nurturing the next generation of trailblazers.
We would be remiss to not speak about Habitat for Aviation’s emphasis on youth-adult partnerships and the ways in which the meaningful intergenerational connections between seasoned professionals and aspiring aviators and mechanics alike empower participants to navigate the complexities of the industry landscape with confidence and resilience.
It was clear that our cornerstone of community and belonging, camaraderie and inclusivity shone through our pink overalls to our audience. After the presentation in break out groups, it was clear that this team has forged bonds that transcend the boundaries of gender, race, and background, and has united individuals under a common vision of empowerment and equity.
As we reflect on our journey to the Vermont State House, we are strengthened by the resounding support. In the words of Amelia Earhart, "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity."